How a Consultant Shows Up for her Personal Brand, even in Hard Times

First, you started your business. You took a leap of faith, trusted the process, and committed to a life of entrepreneurship.

Now, you’ve put in the time and effort into personal brand development, using tactics like public relations to grow your awareness, reach and authority. 

And then, your personal life takes over.

I’m sure I don’t have to go into much detail for you to relate, as I’m sure we can all recount a time when we found it really challenging to show up for our business. Truth be told, I’m navigating a time like that right now. 

It’s a tough situation to grapple with, as most mornings, even putting on makeup and committing to green juice over coffee feels hard, let alone cultivating my personal brand presence — which is heavily reliant on social media right now. But my career as a personal branding consultant has just started to gain momentum, with meaningful inquiries trickling in through Instagram on a weekly basis, so how do I continue to show up for my business, even when it’s hard?

Here are some of the ways I’ll dive into a bit more, below:

  • Batching my time for ‘on’ and ‘off’ days 

  • Understanding rest as a form of support 

  • Leaning on outside support for content development 

Batching my time for both ‘on’ and ‘off’ days

Honestly this isn’t just a hack for saving time and makeup, but I found this to be a game changer for my productivity as well. At the beginning of February, I rearranged my schedule so that I only schedule Zoom calls for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Before this, I was at the mercy of Calendly and often found myself feeling drained and unproductive when I really needed to get work done. 

Now, I know Tuesdays and Thursdays will require a bit more external energy. I also commit time during these days to filming content and maintaining a higher level of interactivity and engagement on social media. Since I’ve pulled my appearance together to show up confidently on Zoom, I also take this time to show up confidently in other places online – this ensures I have other, more quiet days during the week where I can dive into deep thinking for client strategies, as well as recharge my social battery, without feeling pressured to post content on social media.

Understanding rest as a form of support

I recently scheduled 6 - 8 questions and affirmations to show up on my phone on a daily basis, so now, every morning my phone asks me this question: “If I knew that everything was working out for me, no matter the circumstances, how would I show up today?”

Imagine the revelation I had when I could finally answer with: “I know that everything is working out for me, so I can rest peacefully today, without taking on extra tasks.” I always say that 98% of your success in entrepreneurship relies on your mindset, and for me, that means allowing my busy brain to take a break, knowing that I am supported in doing so.

Leaning on outside support for content development

If you’ve been following me on social media for long, you may know that I hold a slightly controversial opinion about “done for you” social media management — in that, I don’t believe in it. 

Now let’s get one thing straight here, because my public relations agency literally does social media management, but I truly believe that the client needs to actively participate in the process to see meaningful results. But that’s a conversation for a different day. 

While I still manage and create all of my social media content myself, investing in outside content coaching has significantly reduced my mental load (while increasing my results). My current program provides me with templates and prompts that I can easily adapt to suit my business, which means I’m not left scrambling to create my weekly content from scratch on Sunday night. 

Participating in content development programs has also helped me learn to batch content –but not in the way that you’re thinking. While I do not create individual posts more than a week in advance, I do capture plenty of B-Roll video, and schedule quarterly brand shoots to ensure I have ample content to pull from when I’m pulling prompts and visuals together.

Thinking about developing your own Personal Brand?

If you’re a service provider, influencer, founder or small business owner, chances are that you’ve heard about personal brand development, at least once or twice. 

I’m a big believer in developing this branch of business, not just for fun, but also because it’s extremely profitable.

If you’re feeling inspired to develop your own personal brand strategy, the good news is that I can help you! My Personal Brand Discovery service is designed to help business owners like you understand your unique position in the marketplace, and the publicity efforts you need to start feeling famous. I also, clearly, understand that developing a personal brand is a balance between maintaining your private sanity, while still showing up online. As your personal brand consultant, my goal is to be a constant support for you and your business. 

If you’re interested in learning more, book a Discovery Call so we can talk about the option that may be right for you. 

Until then, take care!

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